18 Jan 2017

A Broadband Look at Astrophysical Processes 30-31 March 2017
Who:��This is for postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers from the SEPnet region with research interests in this year�s�conference topics.� A limited number of places are available to early stage researchers beyond the region. When:��30-31 March 2017. �Arrival in the evening on 29 March 2017. Where: �Building 58, Murray Lecture Theatre Complex,�Highfield Campus,�University of Southampton�SO17 1BJ.� �Free to attend. �Single en suite accomodation at the Glen Ayre Complex.�Travel expenses to and from the venue can be claimed through SEPnet. Abstract deadline 30�November 2016: �Submit your abstract here. �Once your abstract has been accepted you will be notified by the conference organiser�to register for this conference. Registration:�The deadline to register is 28�February 2017.��Register�here. What:��There are two parallel research conferences proposed and organised by students wanting to advance their research and extend their collaborations. The conferences include talks by invited speakers and students as well as poster and recreational sessions. A Broadband Look at Astrophysical Processes:
Astrophysics PhD students commonly start work at a particular waveband of the electromagnetic spectrum, sometimes without any prior knowledge of how their work fits into the �bigger picture�.� By introducing attendees to a broad collection of astrophysical research topics at multiple wavelengths, this conference aims to create a foundation to the wider context of students' research.
This conference will feature seven sessions across the electromagnetic spectrum on: radio; infrared; optical; ultraviolet; X-ray; gamma ray and cosmology/big data.
We encourage abstract applications from PhD students and post-doctoral researchers for oral and poster presentations on any of the aforementioned topics. �Presentations should encompass how you use this topic in your astronomy-based research.� To submit your abstract, please go to https://sites.google.com/site/broadbandlook/home and fill out the form under �Abstract Submission for Students�.
Successful applicants will be notified by early January, who must then register for the conference via the registration link included above.
Organisers:�Peter Boorman, Bella Boulderstone and Chris Frohmaier� (Soton) (The parallel session is�Functional scanning probe microscopy techniques.�This meeting is for those interested in surface analysis and nanotechnology characterisation. Basic concepts and different techniques used by students working on a wide range of topics, from nanomaterials, soft matter, biomedicine, to polymers, surface analysis, and magnetism will be explored.�Organisers:�H�ctor Corte-Le�n (RHUL) Alex Browning (Surrey).) This workshop contributes 12�hours towards physics skills training.